Archives: Illness & Disease

  • Fleas: Prevention & Control

    In order to prevent and control fleas on your pet and in your home, it is necessary to understand the life cycle of the flea and what methods can be used to combat this parasite at each of its four life stages. Four Stages in the Life of a Flea Eggs: A single adult female flea may lay up to 300 eggs in her lifetime.  These eggs are always laid on a host animal.  When … Read More »

  • Your Aging Pet

    Aging is not the inevitable beginning of sickness and suffering.  Older pets can enjoy many years of active life when owners are aware of their changing health needs.  Throughout this blog we will explain how aging can affect your pet and what signs you should observe and discuss with your veterinarian. Coat and Skin Decreased elasticity leads to thickened dry skin.  The haircoat may become dry and brittle.  Sebaceous glands can become hyperactive leading to … Read More »

  • Allergies & Your Dog

    Approximately one out of every five dogs suffers from some type of allergy.  Although allergies cannot be prevented, they can be controlled. What is an Allergy? An allergy is a condition in which the immune system reacts abnormally to every day substances such as insect bites, foods and chemicals, pollens, molds, and house dust.  The offending substances that cause these hypersensitivities are called “allergens.” Reactions can vary in severity from mild discomfort to fatality.  Dogs … Read More »

  • A Review of Heartworm and Flea Medications

    We have reached the midway point of our heartworm season.  It’s not too late to protect your pet from heartworm disease, ticks, fleas and intestinal parasites.  We do recommend a yearly blood test to ensure your dog does not have the heartworm disease or three other tick born diseases (Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis and Ehrlichiosis ).  Below is a review of all of your medication options. Oral (by mouth) Trifexis (for dogs only) New this year … Read More »

  • What You Should Know About Parvovirus

    Canine Parvovirus is one of the most common and severe gastrointestinal diseases of dogs.  Parvovirus most frequently attacks puppies younger than one year of age.  The virus is extremely contagious and strikes rapidly and without warning.  While most infected adult dogs recover, as many as 25% to 50% of infected puppies die from the disease if not diagnosed and treated immediately. Dogs become infected with the virus through contact with the stool of an infected … Read More »

  • Rabies Facts and Figures

     Although rabies is not a major threat in this area, it is a zoonotic disease that requires serious prevention.  However, even one instance of a person or pet contracting this terrible disease would be one too many and so we are setting out below data taken from a bulletin from the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit on rabies:  What is rabies? Rabies is a virus that attacks the central nervous system of warm-blooded animals, including humans.  … Read More »

  • What Is An Emergency?

    It is only natural to become worried when your pet becomes ill or is injured.  You must then decide whether he should be taken to your veterinarian immediately because it is an emergency situation, if a call for an appointment is all that is required, or even if it is only minor and temporary and needs no medical attention at all. The following will hopefully help you in making that decision. 1.  Almost any problem involving the … Read More »