Litter Training Your Kitten

Litter Training Your Kitten

Digging before and after elimination is normal behaviour for a cat.  Every cat has individual preferences to how deep a hole they create and how much litter they use to cover up their waste.  They also have different preferences to the type of litter box and the location.  The difficult part with a new kitten is discovering what type of litter, what location and which style of litter box they like better.

Here are some tips to help with litter box training for kittens or for adult cats who may be eliminating inappropriately:

  • Gently place the kitten in the litter box after each meal
  • If there is an “accident” outside of the litter box, place the mess in the litter box to help the kitten make the desired association
  • Never punish the kitten when it is near the litter box as it may place a negative connection to the litter box.
  • Avoid disturbing your cat while it is using the litter box
  • The litter box should be large enough to comfortably accommodate an adult cat
  • The sides of the litter pan should be low enough to allow easy access for a kitten or a senior cat
  • The dust or scent (from the perfumes or deodorizers) may be disturbing to some cats
  • When changing types of litter use an extra litter pan and mix both the old and the new litter while the cat is adjusting
  • Ensure the entire litter box is cleaned completely on a frequent and regular basis (cats may avoid using the litter box if it is too dirty)
  • Avoid foul smelling and damp locations for the litter box
  • Ensure there is one litter box per cat in the household
  • If you find one litter box is being used more than another, consider changing the location and increase the frequency of the cleaning
  • Choose a quiet location that is away from their food or water dishes
  • Never block access to the litter box

If you are still having problems with litter training, please call us at (519) 250-0099.

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