The Rules Of Cuddling Cats

The Rules Of Cuddling Cats

One thing we can say about our feline friends: they are quite affectionate. Many of our animal friends enjoy being held, petted, and hugged. At least a few of them do. Others? Not much. Continue reading as a local Habersham County, GA veterinarian discusses the do’s and don’ts of embracing Fluffy.

What if My Cat Does Not Enjoy Hugs?

Some of our feline pals are more reserved. That is not to suggest Fluffy does not love you; she may simply prefer to show her affection by spending time with you, following you around, or even ignoring you! That is completely acceptable. There are several methods you can use to start that little motor.

In case you need a reminder, these are some of Fluffy’s favorite things:

Purrniture: Having stuff created specifically for kittens is quite beneficial. A cat tower is a great option, but your feline may prefer a kitty tunnel, window seat, or anything else she can look cute sitting on.

Conversation: Hugging and patting Fluffy aren’t the only ways to make her feel valued. Simply speak with her. Kitties make terrific confidantes!

Beds: Did you know that cats may sleep up to 20 hours every day? Purchasing or creating Fluffy a new bed or ten will definitely elicit a few purrs!

Boxes: Fortunately for us, our feline overlords are quite easy to please. Simply give your pet an empty box and instruct her to stay out of it. She’ll probably immediately jump in!

Toys: Fluffy will benefit both emotionally and physically from playing with her new toys. Exercise is vital, and can help your pet stay in good physical health. Timing those sophisticated pounces is also excellent mental stimulation.

Treats: Although our feline companions can be finicky, most have a preferred snack. Just stick with healthy options. Ask your vet for advice.

Catnip: Don’t forget Fluffy’s favorite plant! Remember that catnip does not affect all furballs. If your feline companion does not seem to love it, consider getting her honeysuckle cat toys. Honeysuckle appears to be popular with cats who loathe catnip. (This is one more thing we may never fully comprehend about our feline masters.)

Of course, keeping your pet happy and healthy necessitates frequent visits to our pet clinic.

Is It OK To Hug A Kitty?

In general, yes, but there are a few factors to consider. 

The golden rule is to never hug or hold a furball who does not want to be touched. That is unlikely to win her over; instead, it will most likely leave you scratched. Fluffy’s trust must be earned. That may take time.

What Are The Most Cuddly Cats?

While breed has less of an impact on Fluffy’s personality than it does with dogs, it is still a factor. While each feline is distinctly unique, a few breeds are noted for being meowing little love bugs. The list of meowing snuggle bugs includes the Himalayan, Ragdoll, Maine Coon, Scottish Fold, Siamese, Persian, Burmese, Birman, Sphynx, Bombay, Abyssinian, Tonkinese, Russian Blue, American Shorthair, Ragamuffin, Siberian, Devon Rex, Cornish Rex, and Chartreux.

Does Fluffy Enjoy Being Cuddled?

Many cats really enjoy it when their owners pet and snuggle them. In fact, some of our feline buddies will yell at their humans to demand attention! Fluffy is also the perfect size to curl up on our laps, though it’s entirely possible that this isn’t because she wants to cuddle as much as she merely considers you a comfortable napping spot.

That said, our feline friends are highly emotional creatures who may create extremely strong ties with their people. At the end of the day, they just want to feel loved and safe. 

In fact, studies indicate that kitties see us as second parents. Kittens, in particular, enjoy feeling safe and loved, and often adore being held and petted. 

How Do I Make My Feline Pal Love Me?

It all comes down to treating Fluffy with affection and care. There are no shortcuts here. Simply converse with her, pet her, and pay attention to her!

Kitties all have their own tastes. This could be related to your pet’s past, especially if she came from a poor setting. If your pet was not socialized as a kitten and grew up as a stray, she may be distrustful. Some kitties are very snuggly, but other cats may slowly warm up. It’s delightful when an aloof, anxious kitten crawls into your lap for the first time!

Of course, some furballs will only cuddle with their folks when they want to. That means Fluffy may ignore you when you’re watching TV and then demand your attention while you’re doing something else. There are also kittens who choose a human and only want to snuggle that person.

How Do I Properly Hug My Kitten?

Picking up your cat may not be difficult, but there are a few things to keep in mind. Her weight should be supported properly, and preferably should be dispersed across her hindquarters or rear legs. She may choose to place her front paws on your arm or shoulders, which is acceptable. The most significant thing is never to grasp her by the stomach. This can actually cause internal damage. Furthermore, it’s plain uncomfortable. You probably wouldn’t want to be gripped around the midsection!

How about the other thing? When your pet has had enough, let her go. This is critical for building trust. If you try to hold Fluffy, she can get scared and defensive.

What Are the Benefits of Hugging Kitties?

It turns out that cuddling with your feline companion is advantageous for both of you. Our feline friends may face a lot of criticism for being distant and aloof, but this is not fair. Some  prefer to be petted and pampered all the time. Paying attention to Fluffy, caressing and hugging her, can help develop the special bond we have with our feline pals.

Hugging kitties can also be really special! When you and your pet snuggle, both of you release a specific hormone , known as oxytocin. When moms and babies snuggle, they also release this hormone. It reinforces feelings of affection, love, comfort, and safety.

There’s also that special purr. Fluffy’s distinctive rumble has several intriguing features. Kitties purr at precise frequencies, usually between 25 and 140 Hertz. The same frequencies have been shown to improve healing and bone growth. They are even used in physical therapies. Plus, snuggling with a purring feline may be extremely relaxing.

Cats That Need Hugs

At the end of the day, we feel that all animals deserve love and attention. Unfortunately, many cats are languishing in shelters, hoping that someone will take them home and hug them. Given that June is Adopt A Shelter Cat Month, this is a perfect time to contribute. This could include making donations, delivering supplies, fostering, volunteering, or simply raising awareness. Of course, adopting a kitten who needs affection would be the most fitting way to mark this ‘pawspicious’ occasion.

Schedule An Appointment At Our Habersham County, GA Animal Clinic

Has it been a while since your feline companion came in? Have you lately adopted a kitten? Please contact us at your Habersham County, GA pet clinic today. We are always happy to help!

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