Keeping Your Dog Safe During the Summer Months

Keeping Your Dog Safe During the Summer Months

Summer is the perfect season for our furry companions to indulge in their beloved outdoor pastimes, including hiking, camping, playing, and swimming. However, the elevated temperatures can pose a significant risk to your canine buddy. You can ensure Fido’s safety and comfort by taking a few simple precautions. Here, a Mt. Airy, GA veterinarian offers some valuable tips on keeping Fido cool during hot weather.

When Is It Too Hot For Fido To Be Outside?

Use caution anytime the temperature exceeds 80 degrees. Some dogs may be at risk when exposed to temperatures above 75 degrees. Think about Huskies, for example, with their luscious thick fur coats. The heavy fur is perfect for cold, snowy weather, but can be very uncomfortable in warmer months. 

Be particularly vigilant when the temperature exceeds 90 degrees. Anything above 100 can pose a significant risk to your beloved pet’s well-being.

What Are Some Ways To Ensure Fido Stays Cool During Heat Waves?

You’ll need to take extra precautions to keep Fido safe. He can’t lower the AC or point a fan at himself!

  • Water is crucial. Ensuring that Fido always has access to fresh water is paramount. If you have a large home or multiple furry companions, consider adding extra water stations. Feel free to add a few ice cubes to the bowls! Also, always bring water with you when you take your furry companion out and about.
  • Adjust Fido’s daily routine for walks and playtime. Walk and play with him during the cooler times of the day, such as mornings and evenings.
  • Consider getting a raised doggy bed. This sort of bed stays cooler than others because it allows for air circulation underneath.
  • You might want to get a doggy water bottle with a built-in dispenser. Having this in your car, along with some bottled water, can be very helpful.
  • If you have a yard, consider getting a kiddie pool for your furry friend. Fido could also have a great time frolicking in the water from a hose or doggy sprinkler.
  • Never leave your furry friend unattended in a vehicle. The temperature inside a parked car can rise to a lethal level in just a few minutes! 
  • Make sure that Fido has been neutered or spayed, is microchipped and wearing ID tags, and is up to date on vaccinations and parasite prevention. If it’s been a while since your pup’s last visit, call your vet to schedule an appointment.
  • Grooming is also essential. Certain dogs like trendy summer hairstyles. However, some pups fare better without having their hair clipped. Getting a haircut could potentially damage Fido’s fur if he has a double coat!
  • Make sure that your furry friend has access to spaces equipped with climate control. If Fido has a yard to patrol, set up a shaded area for him to play in.
  • Cooling mats or pads can also provide some relief. These are perfect for dogs who have difficulty in hot weather! There are various options, so it’s wise to do your homework before buying. A simple trick to try is to keep a towel in the freezer and then place it in your pet’s bed. Or, hang a damp bandana around his neck. Fido will feel refreshed as the water evaporates, creating a pleasant cooling sensation. (Plus, your furry friend will look adorable.)

Contact your Mt. Airy, GA veterinarian for more information.

Is It Okay To Talk Fido For A Swim?

Ultimately, it all comes down to the dog. Swimming can be a wonderful choice… or it can be quite dangerous. Many pups thoroughly enjoy playing in the water. Labs and Golden Retrievers, for instance, are incredibly adept at swimming and thoroughly enjoy being in the water. Swimming can pose a significant risk for brachycephalic dogs like pugs, even in shallow water. If you have any concerns about whether Fido is cut out for swimming, ask your Mt. Airy, GA veterinarian.

What Cold Treats Can I Give My Furry Friend When The Weather Is Scorching?

We all enjoy a refreshing and tasty snack during the scorching summer days. Fido also loves indulging in a delicious frozen delight! These snacks are sure to bring a happy tail wag.

Pupsicles: Make sure to have paper cups available, like Dixie cups. Arrange them on a tray and meticulously fill them with broth and/or water that is free of sodium. You can also combine the two. Place them in the freezer until they firm up a bit, then gently insert a chew stick into the middle of each one. Allow them to freeze completely. Pop one out whenever you feel like giving Fido a treat.

Broth Cubes: Transfer sodium-free broth to an ice cube tray and chill. Enhance your furry besties’ dish with shredded meat, bacon bits, shredded cheese, peas, canned chicken or tuna, or an assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables. Stick with safe options, though. 

Doggy Ice Cream: Many pet stores carry ice cream specifically made for dogs. Even Ben and Jerry’s has one! Why not give it a shot and create your own? There is a wide range of recipes available online. Stick with ingredients that are safe for your pup. Ask your vet for specific advice.

How Will I Know If Fido Is Overheated?

Our furry friends can easily get too hot when it becomes sweltering outside. Fido’s sole method of sweating is through his paw pads. Panting is helpful, but insufficient. You’ll need to keep a close eye out.

Heavy panting is usually the very first sign that something is wrong. It’s common for dogs to pant slightly after exercising. However, if your furry friend is panting excessively, it could indicate that he’s having a hard time with the heat.

Here are some additional indicators to keep in mind:

  • Drooling
  • Trembling
  • Discolored Gums
  • Lack of Urine Output
  • Dehydration
  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Confusion

If you notice any of these symptoms, immediately take steps to cool down your pet and contact your veterinarian. Provide Fido with a refreshing bowl of water. Another helpful technique is to use a spritz of water or gently apply a cool, wet cloth to him. Don’t use cold water, as it can potentially cause shock.

Your veterinary clinic or emergency vet can provide you with specific instructions.

How Do I Protect Fido’s Furry Feet?

Don’t forget about the risk of paw burn. Apply paw balm or wax and keep Fido away from hot surfaces. If the temperature is too high for walking barefoot, it’s also too hot for your pet! Fido’s feet will be extra delicate when wet, so take additional precautions after he’s gone swimming. 

Embrace The Joys Of Summer With Your Furry Companion

Summer is the perfect time to savor some precious moments with your beloved furry companion. Make sure to dedicate some evening time to bonding with your furry friend, Fido. You can play a fun game of Fetch or just take a leisurely walk in a beautiful park. Time spent with pets is never wasted! 

Schedule An Appointment At Our Mt. Airy, GA Pet Hospital

Is it time for your furry best friend to have a check-up? Do you have any concerns or questions about your dog’s health or care that I can assist you with? Contact us today at your local Mt. Airy, GA pet hospital!

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