Senior Care Checklist

Senior Care Checklist



As your pet ages, behavioural changes or signs of deterioration can often occur.  Answering some simple questions can help identify any age related issues early on.  This survey will help us assess issues that require immediate medical attention or monitoring at home.  Senior pet screening is recommended for all patients 7 years of age and older.  Feel free to print this blog as a reference for your pet’s next visit.

Have you noticed any changes in  your older pet’s habits or behaviour?

0 = Never            1 = Rarely            2 = Sometimes                  3 = Often

Seek attention less often?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

Seem listless or less responsive to interaction?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

Appear lost or confused in the house or yard?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

Fail to recognize familiar people or other pets?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

Sleep more during the day or less during the night?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

Wander, pace or exhibit signs of restlessness?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

Urinate indoors?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

Have accidents indoors right after being outside?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

Is your pet currently taking any medications for cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS)?  If yes, please list: ________________________________________________________________________________

Has your pet ever been prescribed medications for cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS) in the past?  If yes, please list: ______________________________________________________________________


Have you noticed any changes in your pet’s health?

0 = Never            1 = Rarely            2 = Sometimes                  3 = Often

More frequent urination?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

Signs of increased stiffness, limping, difficulty climbing stairs?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

Noticeable weight gain or loss?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

Changes in coat or skin?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

New lumps or bumps, or changes in appearance of existing ones?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

Bad breath or red and swollen gums?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

An increase in appetite?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

A decrease in appetite?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

Vomiting?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

Diarrhea or stool with mucus or blood?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

Constipation or difficulty defecating?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

An obvious increase in thirst and excessive water drinking?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

Coughing, weakness after exercise, prolonged panting?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

Muscle tremors or shaking?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

Weak, uncoordinated movements?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

Signs of vision loss (ex: bumping into objects, fear of moving forward) ?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

Signs of hearing loss (ex: lack of response when called or at loud noises) ?  _____

When did the problem start? _______________

Do you have any worries or concerns about your pet that are not included in the chart above?  If so, please describe: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your pet’s habits or changes, please call us at (519) 250-0099.

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